A Teacher of Compassion

Created by Kim Neir 10 years ago
Charlie. A memory that will forever be etched in my mind happened in the early fall, September 2012, on a beautiful sunny day. Abby and I were out on the porch chatting, while Charlie was happily playing, coming to us periodically to offer us a toy animal, and then stomping off to work on a special potion he was creating. My husband was also there but he was sleeping on the Waller’s front couch even though it was early-morning. (You see, we didn’t know at the time, but he would have to undergo a life-threatening but also life-saving craniotomy in a few weeks for a rare brain condition). A short while later, I asked Charlie to please go wake Ben up because we had to go to Sparrow Hospital for Ben to undergo a brain MRI. Abby had told Charlie earlier that Ben was not feeling well and would need to have an MRI later that morning. So, I think, no I know, in his beautiful, precious way he showed Ben the tender love and care that only a child with so much compassion could demonstrate. While Ben was still sleeping Charlie quietly and gently put dozens of his little toy animals all along Ben’s body so when he awoke he would be surprised. (Did Charlie want Ben to be surprised, or was it his way of making Ben laugh, or could it be that it was his way of telling Ben that he wasn’t alone, I don’t know). I do know this, as I walked into the room, ready to tell Ben we needed to leave I saw Charlie crouching down next to Ben. I could hear him quietly whisper to him, “Wake up, Ben.” Charlie had the most magnificent little smile on his face. Why do I remember this? It showed a level of extraordinary compassion that moved me to tears, and it displayed that Charlie, only four, was able to create a space for others, to inspire others, and to celebrate life even in the face of challenges. Compassion is to want to alleviate or reduce the suffering of another or to show special kindness to those who suffer, and Charlie understood this so innately. He taught so many to embrace the unpredictability of life and taught me, and my family, to engage in life fully. Thank you, Charlie, so much for being a true little teacher and an example of what it truly means to be a beautiful person.