Charlie and Esther's Birthday Party in England

Created by amarshman 10 years ago
When Charlie and Esther visited England and Wales in the summer of 2013 it was shortly before his fifth birthday and shortly after her ninth. What better excuse for a party? But this was no ordinary party as, for many of the guests,who were all adults, this was the first time they had met the children, ourselves included. Charlie soon broke down any barriers created by English reserve. We were welcomed at the door by both children and given little cards they had made as a memory of the day. Charlie received our birthday gift, 'A Bug World' sticker book with evident delight: 'This is the best book I've ever had!' I wonder how many people, children and adults alike, Charlie made feel special with comments like that? He showed great enthusiasm for everything he did that day. Esther drew a picture of their family which they let me keep. It includes Boston the dog, back home in East Lansing and the inevitable pirate, added by Charlie. This little picture will always remind me of that day when we met two very special children and their remarkable parents. Charlie knew and gave so much love in his short life and we were privileged to have a little part of that. Thank you Charlie.
